

A cool pal ready to hang out in your Discord server

Build Status Coverage Status License: MIT Inline docs

Download repo and install dependencies


  • node v8.0.0 or greater
  • npm dependencies

Install node v8.0.0 or greater

Install globally with your package manager, or use nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm

Download project & change directories

git clone https://github.com/coolfriends/coolpal.git
cd coolpal

Download dependencies

npm install

Run coolpal on local machine

Run bundle steps

npm run bundle

Run bot

npm start

Build docker image and run coolpal in container

Make sure you have docker installed: https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/

Build image from Dockerfile

docker build --no-cache -t coolpal .

Run container in detached mode

docker run -d coolpal

Run container and enter shell

docker run -it coolpal

Create docs

npm run docs


Create a new plugin

In src/plugins, create hello_world.js

class HelloWorldPlugin {

module.exports = HelloWorldPlugin;

Add a constructor that specifies the types of discord events this plugin will handle.

class HelloWorldPlugin {
  constructor() {
    this.supported_event_types = ['message'];

Then create a handle_event function. This function will return true if the plugin is supposed to handle the event. It serves as an entry point to functions that do work.

class HelloWorldPlugin {
  handle_event(event_type, event, config) {
    if (event_type == 'message') {
      return this.handle_message(event, config);
    return false;

Finally, implement the handle_message function that takes the event and a configuration file (passed in from CoolPal.receive_event).

class HelloWorldPlugin {
  handle_message(message, config) {
    // Make sure author of the message is not the bot
    if (message.author != config.client.user.username) {
      if (message.content.startsWith(config.prefix + 'helloworld')) {
        message.reply("Hello, world!");
        return true;
    // Make sure to return false if this plugin is not designed to handle the
    // message passed in.
    return false;

Use the HelloWorldPlugin

const HelloWorldPlugin = require('../src/plugins/hello_world.js');
const CoolPal = require('../src/coolpal.js');

let plugins = [
  new HelloWorldPlugin

let token = process.env.DISCORD_TOKEN;
let bot = new CoolPal(token, plugins);

Use a different prefix

const YourPlugin = require('../plugins/your_plugin.js');
const CoolPal = require('../src/coolpal.js');
let token = 'your-token';
let bot = new CoolPal(token, plugins, {
  prefix: '$'

Run the tests

Make sure to run npm install to get the mocha dev dependency. Then run the tests like so:

npm test